This exquisite 1890s advertising poster, titled "Confidence," was originally produced for Arbuckle Coffee and captures a poignant scene of a young girl and a large dog, possibly a Great Dane, set against a splendid manor house and vibrant gardens. The girl, clad in a pink dress with a white blouse, gently holds a small bouquet, embodying the innocence and purity of youth. Beside her, the imposing dog stands as a symbol of loyalty and protection, enhancing the theme of trust and companionship depicted in the artwork.
Framed beautifully, the poster measures 29 inches by 16 inches and is in excellent condition, preserving its rich colors and intricate details. The ornate frame complements the historical and aesthetic value of the piece, making "Confidence" a significant collectible for enthusiasts of vintage advertising and late 19th-century art.
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