Offered is a captivating ensemble of avian literature, the complete set of the four 1931 "Color Book" series by Whitman Publishing. This quartet is an ornithologist's treasure, presenting a kaleidoscope of American birdlife, beautifully illustrated in rich colors that have stood the test of time.
The Green Book of Birds of America
Covering an array of warblers, chickadees, kinglets, and more, this volume offers detailed depictions and descriptions, sure to delight the observer with a penchant for the forest dwellers.The Red Book of Birds of America
Dedicated to the more robust fowl, this guide comprises gulls, terns, ducks, herons, and birds of prey, offering a glimpse into the life of America's heartier species.The Yellow Book of Birds of America
Focusing on swallows, wrens, hummingbirds, and the like, this book captures the delicate beauty of America's smaller birds, each page a testament to their sprightly existence.The Blue Book of Birds of America
Enclosing a variety of jays, larks, orioles, blackbirds, and more, the book is a celebration of the diversity of songbirds that grace the American landscapes.Condition: Very Good. Each book is complete and in very good condition, showing minimal wear consistent with age and gentle use. The bindings are tight, pages clean, and illustrations vibrant, a testament to the care bestowed upon them through the decades.
These volumes represent not only a wealth of information but also a slice of Americana, encapsulating the natural history interests of the early 20th century. They are as much a joy to the collector as to the casual reader, promising to be a highlight in any auction collection.
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